Talk:Appliance power consumption
A few years ago a mate challenged me to write down a list of the devices with 13A plugs in my household. The result was a staggering 65 items long, including the hot glue gun and the soldering iron but not the sixteen 4-way extension leads - now reduced a bit following a sort of mid-life decluttering purge.
I wonder ... would the list be better if it was divided into a few broad headings like "heating and ventilation", "cooking and laundry", "DIY tools" (of course) and perhaps "lifestyle"? I suggest this because "cookers" are getting a few entries, but an alphabetical listing with entries like "Cooker, hob, halogen" will look a bit over-efficient.
- Richard.
I think I would be inclined to see how popular the page is before getting too carried away polishing it... --John Rumm (talk) 01:28, 9 August 2017 (UTC)
Categorising things vaguely merely makes it far slower to find things. Probably in time it will creep into becoming aimed at folk that want to save energy. NT (talk) 17:47, 9 August 2017 (UTC)
Power consumption figures don't really tell you much of use in many energy saving situations. (i.e. rate of energy consumption and amount of energy consumption are not the same thing) --John Rumm (talk) 19:40, 10 August 2017 (UTC)
I was looking at it myself to see "where" the power is being used at home and for me "how often". I had a go at "electricity economy" a few years back and the only meaningful change was getting a set of LED bulbs for the ceiling lights. As a list, it's a fun/idle thing to write out from memory but I would need figures from my own specific appliances to make it useful to me.
There are so many times people have asked about power use in ukdiy, especially wrt ovens/cookers. Power consumption is obviously relevant to energy consumption, a 160w hoover that takes twice as long to use as a 1.8kW machine is going to use way less energy. This article could expand to explain where it can & can't be saved in each case. NT (talk) 22:54, 10 August 2017 (UTC)
Well - from a purely personal point of view I make savings in energy consumption by heating the house to 16C in winter (but keeping the gas boiler running day and night) and by not using the cooker hob. Having done this, the residual savings from other appliances are relatively small. Nevertheless, I'll try to make contributions to the topic when I think I can help - Richard.