Wood Links
There is a large amount of good material already written about wood & woodwork. Here is some of it.
Wood types
Bendywood is hardwood treated to make it flexible to the point of somewhat floppy. Suitable for curved stair rails and futuristic architecture.
Interesting timbers supplier
Pictures here of:
- Spalted wood
- Laminated exotic woods
- Banksia nuts
Plywood larger than 8x4
600 wood sample pictures Identify wood & assist species choice
Finishing & refinishing
Achieving a honey brown finish on Oak
Osmo Polyx Oil for wood floors
Period property wood finishing guide
barrel shaped basets, bins etc
Complete timber frames from old buildings available
Janka scale of Timber hardness
Sagulator calculates sag
Skirting joints - which way & why
Space saving staircase construction
Stairs by Builder Bill
Strengths of various types of timber joint
Stump removal - the options
Superbeam software (not free)
Make a Wooden safe with working combination lock