Gas units

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This article shows ho to convert between the various ways of measure natural gas volume and energy content.

Typically gas meters record usage in cubic metres or hundreds of cubic feet (and its worth checking yours matches the units your gas supplier is billing you in!)

Basic data

The energy density of natural gas is typically in the range of 37.5 to 43 MJ/m³ 1 kW equates to 3.6MJ / hour


Use the following conversion factors to work out what you need from what information you have:

Task Conversion factor
100 CU feet (1 unit) to cubic metres Multiply by 2.83
Cubic metres to 100s cubic feet Divide by 2.83
Convert from m³ to kWh Multiply by 11.36
Convert from a rate of consumption in kW, to cubic metres per hour Multiply by 0.09 (approx)


You have used 40 units on your imperial gas meter. What is that in kWh? Convert 100s of cubit feet to m³: 40 x 2.83 = 113.2m³ So in kWh = 113.2 x 11.36 = 1,286 kWh

You new boiler can produce a maximum output power of 24kW. How much is that in cubic meters of gas per hour? 24 x 0.09 = 2.16 m³