DIY Nosh, Fragrant Ginger Chicken

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This recipe makes a satisfying chicken dish, part stir fry, part casserole, with ginger, soy sauce, a gentle chilli kick, and fragrant tarragon and lemon grass. As described here should make a meal for 6 people


  • 2 table spoons olive oil
  • 1 - 2 table spoons dark soy sauce
  • 2 tea spoons paprika
  • 1 tea spoon black pepper
  • 1 table spoon of dried tarragon
  • 2 tea spoons of dried chopped lemon grass
  • 2 tea spoons table salt (for noodles)
  • 1 table spoon cornflour
  • 2 Onions
  • 3 Large fresh Carrots
  • 3 Sticks of fresh Celery
  • 1 Mild chilli
  • 80g Fresh ginger
  • 1kg Chicken breasts
  • 2 Ramiro pointy peppers
  • 3 Bell peppers
  • 1 Vegetable stock cube
  • 1 Chicken stock cube
  • 200g Broccoli florets (fresh or frozen)
  • 300g Green beans (fresh or frozen)
  • 340g Dried fine egg noodles (1 pack / 6 nests)


Cooking almost complete, just before adding thickening, and the beans and broccoli

Preparation will be similar to that of the Hot 'n' Fruity Chilli Con Carne

You will need:

  • 1 large casserole pan with lid
  • 1 measuring jug
  • preparation time 30 mins
  • cooking time 40 mins

To prepare

  1. Peel and finely chop onions
  2. Finely chip chilli
  3. Prepare and chop carrots into small segments
  4. Chop celery into thin segments
  5. Take the tops off the peppers, and slice into strips or chunks
  6. Chop chicken into bite sized lumps and remove any unwanted bits.
  7. Peel and finely grate fresh ginger (peel by scraping with the lip of a teaspoon)


  1. Place pan on hob on medium heat and add olive oil.
  2. Add onions. Grind in black pepper,
  3. Add chilli. Add paprika.
  4. Leave onion to soften for a while.
  5. Turn up the heat and add the chicken to pan. Stir from time to time.
  6. As chicken starts to change colour, add soy sauce.
  7. Add the fresh ginger, tarragon, and lemon grass.
  8. Add celery and carrots.
  9. Add the chopped peppers.
  10. Place both stock cubes into a jug and pour over around 300 ml of boiling water. Stir until cubes are fully dissolved. Pour stock into pan,
  11. Add the chopped peppers
  12. Stir well, reduce to medium heat and and cover with lid. Allow to cook for 30 mins.
  13. (bring large pan of water to the boil for noodles - see below)
  14. Chop any large broccoli florets into smaller sections.
  15. Remove lid and check carrots are cooked through. Check for taste. Add extra soy sauce if required.
    Add in the greens, and then stir in. Cover and keep the heat on for another 10 mins.
  16. Dissolve cornflour in small amount of cold water and add to pan and stir in. (this will thicken the sauce - can be omitted if preferred)
  17. Add green beans and broccoli, stir in and replace lid. Allow to steam for 5 to 10 mins
  18. Once the broccoli is cooked yet still retains some bite, give the dish a final stir and it is ready to serve.

Prepare noodles:

  1. Bring a large pan of water the the boil, and add salt
  2. Add noodles and return to the boil. Then turn down to simmer. Leave for 3 mins
  3. Turn off heat, drain, and cover ready for serving


Lay down a bed of noodles, and spoon over casserole. Add a splash of soy sauce if required.


This should be a warming, and fragrant dish full of flavour. The ginger and chilli give it some kick but not too much, and the broccoli adds some extra umami flavour. Left overs will keep in the fridge for a few days and can be reheated to go with rice, noodles, or on a baked potato.