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Winterizing Your Windows

How to Winterize Your Windows By Mary Sauer

Each year, when cooler weather is here to stay, it is important to consider the steps you can take to winterize your home. Even the smallest weaknesses, such as drafty windows, can negatively impact the energy efficiency of your home.

When you’re heating a home with inefficiencies, you’re wasting money. Since the cold air can easily make its way into your warm home, your heating and cooling system has to work harder to keep your home comfortable during the coldest months of the year. There is good news, though. If your windows are struggling to protect your home from extreme temperature changes, there are simple steps you can take to prepare them for the winter season, keeping your home warm and cozy throughout the season.

Consider Window Replacement The first step in winterizing your windows is to consider if window replacement is a better option for your home. If your windows have become incredibly drafty or difficult to operate, it may be time to buy new windows. Typically, windows perform well for over ten years. But if your windows have passed the ten-year mark, installing new, energy-efficient windows may be a better investment than winterizing the windows you have. Finding a good vendor for windows isn’t always easy, but using a resource such as [1] can simplify your search by weeding out manufacturers with poor reviews.

Caulk Drafty Windows If you’re only dealing with small drafts, caulking is an affordable and easy way to weatherproof your windows for the cold to come. Before applying a fresh layer of caulk, take the time to remove the old caulk using a putty knife. Once the old caulk is gone, thoroughly wipe away dust and dirt with a soapy cloth and dry well with a clean towel. Next, invest in exterior-grade caulk and a caulk gun, and apply in a smooth seal where the siding and window frame meet.

Replace Worn Out Weatherstripping Typically, weatherstripping is used to create a seal around the sash of the window. But over time, this weatherstripping may wear out and need replacing. Purchase a weatherstripping kit made for your specific windows and carefully apply according to package directions. The goal of replacing weatherstripping is to create a tight seal in the space where the upper and lower sash meet, which protects your home from the outside elements.

Purchase Thermal Window Treatments Contrary to popular belief, the benefits of thermal windows treatments aren’t limited to the summer months. In fact, thermal window treatments have been found to reduce heating bills by as much as 25 percent during the coldest months of the year. Thermal curtains block cold air from entering your home and warm heat from escaping through drafty windows. While new window treatments can be a big investment, they will quickly pay for themselves by increasing the overall energy efficiency of your home.

No matter the time of year, it’s always a good idea to evaluate the efficiency of your home. This can be done on your own, by checking around outlets, doors, and windows for air leaks. Many local energy companies also offer an energy audit and will offer you a detailed report on how your home is performing compared to other homes in the area. Each step you take to improve the efficiency of your home will save you money on utility bills and reduce the unnecessary energy consumption standing between you and more environmentally responsible way of life.