The pipe bending spring
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(this slightly "tongue in cheek" tale highlights that using a bending spring with modern "half hard" copper pipe is not as easy as it was on the older softer thick wall fully annealed pipe)
So the question was asked:
"Would anyone be able to explain and provide tips on how to use one to get the desired effect for a first timer?"
- Buy tool.
- Discover it has no instructions.
- Buy DIY book on heating.
- Read instructions.
- Rip up old bedcover to make bending pads.
- Lightly oil spring.
- Discover it won't go into the pipe you cut with your nice new pipe cutter, you have to use a hacksaw.
- Insert in pipe.
- Wipe up blood from cut caused by raw end of pipe using the flux rag.
- Discover the flux really is acidic, scream a bit.
- Bend as instructed.
- Dislocate kneecap.
- Push kneecap back in place.
- Remember to bend a little too far and bend back a touch to ease tension on spring.
- Insert tool to rotate spring to remove it.
- Pull on spring.
- Knock over cup of tea, stand in flux tin.
- Swear several times.
- Tell (without moving teeth apart) wife/partner/neighbour/children you know what you are doing.
- Smash knuckles on wall as hand slips from pulling device.
- Bang pipe on floor several times.
- Saw off bent bit of pipe. Use vice, angle grinder, several mole grips and welding torch to recover pipe bender.
- Repeat steps 6 to 22 until the pain and loss of blood gets too much or you run out of pipe.
- Throw away now mangled pipe spring (or use as garden gate closer).
- Buy a proper bending tool.