Talk:Twisted Flex Joints
Do we really need the intro about numbers of house fires etc on the Fire section? The conclusion that twisted joints *caused* some of these sounds rather hard to backup with any authority since these things are by their nature rather "fuzzy".
I feel that sometimes the unquantifiable "opinion" bit can get in the way of the technical advice which is sound.
If the Fire section started at "To be reliable, any electrical connection has to be gas-tight. This means that ambient oxygen must not get between the metal " it would have as much impact, without being preachy.
What do you think?
--John Rumm 13:29, 2 June 2007 (BST)
The problem with safety talk in general, and especially with electrical safety, is that people routinely use vague terms that give no truthful indication of the degree of risk. This results in people describing non-issues as highly dangerous, and so on. The whole point of the fire numbers is to say that this is a genuine issue, and to base it on fact, not vague or inaccurate opinion.
Re reliability, I dont think people are that concerned about reliabilty, the issue is really fire risk.
Re twisted joints causing fires, its a well established fault mode AIUI. I'm trying to think of the term for the type of way it happens... I cant think, but something about glowing connections. Its a known fault mode with US sockets using press-in cable connectors, and non gas-tight connections generally.
I dont think removing the pertinent facts would help. Maybe we should look at rephrasing if you dont like how it is, but I would want to keep the core facts there. NT 23:10, 2 June 2007 (BST)